As chosen by developers for a Guardian article. I'm not a huge fan of horror video games, although I do really enjoy watching other people being scared while playing on youtube. The scariest games I have played include Slender Man and Bio-shock.
Video games have always done horror. From the earliest text-based adventures to the most up-to-date action chillers, designers have used the interactive elements of the medium to scare the bejesus out of us. We have endured the survival horror genre, with its references to George Romero and Japanese ghost stories. We have done sci-fi scares with Dead Space and Stalker; we have done rural horror with Slender; and military horror with the F.E.A.R titles. Everyone has a jump scare moment, or a “creeping toward a door looking at the screen through your fingers” moment. Even the people who make games. So to find out what scares game makers, we went around the GameCity festival and asked them. Here’s what they said.